On March 5th 2021, Qosay Khalaf, a 19-year-old yazidi refugee, was controlled by police in the Wollepark in Delmenhorst. After running away Khalaf and police ended in scuffles. Khalaf was pinned on the ground. An eye-whiteness reports, that Khalaf said, he could breathe badly. An ambulance checked his status and decided he could be brought to the detention cell. Hours later Khalaf was transported to the hospital, where he died on March 6th. Until today the circumstances of his death have not been clarified. Police opened a case, to investigate possible misconduct by the officers involved. The investigation has been and no criminal charges were filed. Until today the loss of their son, cousin or friend leaves the people in Delmenhorst in shock. The family is fighting for justice and up until today trying to force police to re-open the investigation to clarify the circumstances of the young man's death. For "taz - die tageszeitung" I reported on the case and follow the developements up until today.
A (chronological list) of all articles published on the case:
- Todesfall in Polizeigewahrsam: In der Zelle kollabiert – taz 7.3.21
- Trauer nach Tod im Polizeigewahrsam: Wie starb Qosay K.? – taz, 12.3.21
- 19-Jähriger kollabiert in Polizeizelle – taz, 9.3.21
- Trauerfeier nach dem Tod von Qosay K.: Ruf nach Gerechtigkeit – taz, 19.3.21
- Tod im Polizeigewahrsam in Delmenhorst: Qosay K. bekam keine Luft – taz, 6.4.21
- Geflüchteter stirbt in Delmenhorst: Tod nach Gewahrsam – taz, nahaufnahme, 23.4.21
- Tod in Delmenhorster Polizeigewahrsam: Ermittlungen eingestellt – taz, 17.5.21
- Fragen bleiben offen – taz, 19.5.21
- Tod von Qosay Khalaf in Polizeigewahrsam: Ermittlungseifer? Fehlanzeige – taz, 2.6.21
- Keine Ermittlungen im Fall Qosay K.: Mit der Aufklärung allein gelassen – taz, 4.8.21
- Ermittlungen im Fall Qosay Khalaf: Trotz offener Fragen eingestellt – taz, 29.12.21